Why Are Perfumes Cheaper on Amazon? [Investigated 2024]

Written By Lamaya Mahboob

Amazon is one of the most famous e-commerce companies worldwide. You can order anything and everything from anywhere in the world and it will be delivered to your door. And perfume is one of many products which are available on Amazon.

While checking out Amazon’s website, you may find it suspicious to find perfumes are found cheaper in here. So, are these perfumes original or are we getting scammed by Amazon?

To answer all these questions, I have studied every necessary detail about the company. And to know all the important bits, stay tuned till the end.

why is cologne cheaper on amazon

Why are perfumes cheaper on Amazon?

There is a lot more competition on Amazon Marketplace, and so the prices are often lower, for the same reason that other items on Amazon are cheaper than what you could find them for in stores. Just make sure that the seller has a high rating and that the cologne is real before making a purchase.

why is cologne cheaper on amazon

Amazon can sell perfumes and colognes cheaper than other places for a few reasons:

Online shop– online shopping reduces a huge number of costs. As Amazon is an online based shop, it can save a lot of money. When the business is online, you do not need to have a physical store. Instead you have to store its perfumes in a warehouse which is way cheaper than a physical store.

Not only the rent of the store which saves the costing of an online shop but also electricity bill, employees’ salary, testing products and many more are not needed. But, on a retail stop, all these costs are added with the final price of a perfume and Amazon does not have to do that.

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No third party- Amazon purchases the products directly from the main source. This means it does not have any middle party which can charge few extra penny. Therefore, the same profit can be achieved for a lower price.

Warehouse storage- warehouse is less expensive than physical store. Amazon keeps its products in a warehouse. So, the perfumes come with a cheaper price tag. It also brings more customer to the table. It is a win-win situation.

Changing the prices– Amazon changes the price of the perfumes constantly. And this is why it can offer you with the cheapest price on a perfume compared to other retail shops. It updates the right price on a perfume on the right time according to season, demand and other competition’s price.

Is perfume sold by amazon authentic?

The perfume sold on Amazon is absolutely authentic if it is sold and shipped by Amazon itself and not by any third party. You have to be careful when you are ordering from a third party as literally anyone can be a seller on Amazon and he or she may be scamming you.

When you are buying a perfume which is sold and shipped by Amazon, you do not have to worry about its authenticity. It can be very easily checked if the perfume is 100 percent authentic or not, notice if the perfume page has “sold by Amazon.com” badge on the right side of the screen. If the badge is there, the perfume is absolutely genuine.

Even though, Amazon is great at shutting down fake perfumes sold by third parties. There is a possibility of it being forged is higher, if you are purchasing it from a third party seller.

To avoid purchasing fake perfumes, check the review and rating section of that seller. If that section is empty, rating is low, the presence of that buyer is minimal, the price is unrealistically low or long shipping time is given, do not risk it and order from that seller.

However, if is always safe to purchase products that are shipped by Amazon.

Can you return perfume on amazon?

Yes, you can return a perfume on amazon if you are not happy with the purchase. But there are some conditions which come with the return policy.

If you have purchase a perfume and realised that you do not like the scnet of it or have ordered the wrong one, you can easily return it to Amazon.

Amazon accepts a return order when the customer is not happy about the prefume. However, it has to be done within 30 days of the purchase. It is accepted after this period is over.

Another condition is, the perfume has to be intact. If you have opened and used the perfume, it is most likely that Amoazon won’t take the perfume back.

If the perfume is purchased from a third party, then Amazon’s return policy won’t work. The seller’s return policy will apply here.

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Why are colognes cheaper on Amazon than Macy’s?

Macy’s is a retail store while Amazon is an online shop. Retail stores have to have physical shops. This make it more expensive for Macy’s to store the colognes than Amazon which keeps them in a warehouse.

Keeping the colognes in warehouses also reduces the cost by not needing to pay employees or giving electricity bills. The cost of the shop and all other bills are added to the price of Macy’s colognes which is avoid on Amazon’s colognes.

Amazon also has way more competition on the marketplace compared to Macy’s. So to increase the sale, it is Amazon’s policy to loweer the price of the colognes.

You may think as Amazon is selling the perfumes cheap, they might be fake. However, that is not the case. These two companies do business very differently and that is why the price varies and Amazon can sell colones cheaper than Macy’s.

Is it safe to buy perfume online?

To answer the question whether it is safe to buy a perfume online or not, it depends on which online store you are choosing to buy it from. Do a little research before buying a perfume from an online store.

With the hype of online shopping, you will get thousands of online stores where you can get your favourite perfume. However, every one of them does not sale the original product.

Therefore, do not trust every online store. Purchase from a store which is highly known for selling authentic perfumes. Check reviews and look which stores people are referring to. Get an idea about the service as well.

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Purchase testers and samples before going for the whole bottle to check if the store sells original perfumes or not. This is how you can find out whether to trust the store or not.

Check the return policy before commiting for a purchase. This will help when the perfume is fake, you can easily return it to the seller.

And, the sellers who sell fake perfumes, they do not want to keep contact with the customer after the purchase is done so their return policy will be weak. On the other hand, sellers with original perfumes will offer you a return policy to gain your trust.

Always make sure to do a research on the particular online store before having any kind of purchase.

Which is the best place to buy original perfumes online?

Here are some best places to buy original perfumes online:

  • Nordstrom
  • Fragrancenet
  • FragranceX
  • Sephora
  • Scentbird
  • Ulta

Have some time to spare? Check out our latest guide- What Is a Perfume Atomizer And Why do I Need One?


Amazon offers you with amazing deals on perfumes while being cheap and as well as authentic.  It is a great alternative of retail shops which allows you to order your favorite perfume by sitting at home.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I would be happy to answer them.

About The Author
Perfume has always been Lamaya's passion as she grew up smelling all the perfumes her mother had. And sometimes she would spray them on her secretly. Lamaya likes doing doodling art as well. If you ever see her in person, you can request a doodle art. You might get one. She wants to be an Environmental & Animal rights activist in the future.

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