What To Do If Perfume Bottle Breaks? [Easy Solutions]

Written By Zarin Tasnim

Perfume bottles are beautiful and fragile, so you always have to be careful.

I know how troublesome and saddening it is when our favorite or expensive perfume bottle breaks.what-to-do-if-perfume-bottle-breaks

Moreover, the overpowering smell can be very irritating, but luckily I have got you covered.

I have so much more to share with you. So, keep reading to learn what happens if a perfume bottle breaks, and what you can do to fix it.

Things To Keep In Mind Before Working With a Broken Perfume Bottle

Most perfume bottles come in glass packaging. Sometimes accidents can happen, leading to a crack or entirely breaking the flacon. Before you try to retain your favorite fragrance or clean the broken residue, it is crucial to maintain safety to avoid any kind of injury.

Here are the safety measures you need to ensure before salvaging a broken perfume bottle:

  • Wear Gloves: Before you hold the broken glass, wear cut-resistant gloves. It will help to avoid any cut from the sharp edges of the glass.
  • Keep Children Away: Broken pieces of the perfume bottle can spread in the entire room. In such a case, try to keep children outside of the room so they don’t get hurt.
  • Steriles: Try to keep hand sanitizers or sterilizing sprays to avoid getting any kind of infection. Also, if you store any remaining perfume it is very important to do that without getting any germs.

What To Do If Perfume Bottle Breaks?

When your perfume bottle breaks firstly you need to assess the damage and take measures accordingly. In case of any breakage/leakage, you can store the scent in another bottle or fix the flacon with an adhesive. If it fully breaks, you can retain the spilled portion by mixing it with lotions and oils.

We often buy fragrances with a hefty amount. Also, the use of perfumes differs from person to person as our tastes aren’t the same.if-perfume-bottle-breaks

It can be frustrating when your favorite scent breaks. However, you don’t need to throw it anyway. I will share some of the tricks I have followed so far whenever my perfume bottle or its nozzle gets broken. All the measures worked very well for me and I believe they will be useful to you as well.

Things To Do When Your Perfume Bottle Fully Breaks

The chances are high that when a perfume bottle falls from our hand or in any other way, it will break entirely. That way, all of its liquid streams on the surface.

But don’t get disheartened. I always opt for a few ways when something like this happens. Among them, I will talk about the 3 ways to salvage perfume from a broken bottle that worked well for me.

Here I will discuss how to save perfume from broken bottles:

1. Use a Dropper or Syringe

  • Make sure that the floor is clean and there are not any tiny chunks of glass remaining.
  • Take a new syringe or dropper to collect the perfume that is flowing on the surface.
  • Store the retained fragrance in a new sprayer or atomizer.

2. Mix with Lotion or Petroleum Jelly

  • Collect the liquid perfume with the help of a dropper.
  • Add the lotion or petroleum jelly of your regular use to the liquid scent.
  • Mix them slowly so the lotion or jelly absorbs the aroma entirely.
  • Store them in a clean glass container.

3. Combine With Shower Gel

  • Do this if you don’t want to use the spilled perfume as a leave-on product on the skin.
  • Collect the perfume from the surface with the help of a dropper or syringe.
  • Pour it into your shower gel that has a mild scent and mix it by shaking the bottle mildly a few times.

All of these tricks worked fine for me. But I highly recommend you make sure of the cleanliness of the surface. If the ground is not clean and hygiene is a big concern for you, avoid doing them.


Things To Do If Perfume Bottle Cracks

Sometimes, even after falling on the ground, perfume bottles get cracked. If leakage happens then instantly transfer the fragrance to another empty and clean bottle.

If you don’t know how to fix a broken perfume bottle, don’t worry. You just need a strong adhesive and try to attach it if the breakage is minor. Otherwise, transfer the perfume to a new storage.

The initial step is to remove your favorite fragrance from the broken flacon. It has to be done fast to avoid any leakage.

Transferring perfume to a new bottle is no easy task, but I’ll help you with that. It has to be done carefully with time by following a few steps. You need to maintain all the steps properly otherwise you may end up wasting the entire scent.

Here are a few things you can do to transfer perfume from the cracked bottle:

1. Pour The Remaining Perfume To Another Bottle

  • Remove the sprayer pump. You just need to pull it off with a little strength.
  • Open the metal clip on the bottleneck. It is a bit tricky. Do it slowly and use a scissor or pocket knife to loosen the edges.
  • You can use a plier and twist the cap anti-clockwise to remove the cap. Do it with minimal pressure.
  • Once you are done removing the metal cap, place a funnel on the new bottle and pour the fragrance into it.
  • You can store your perfume in a plastic bottle. But, in that way, it evaporates faster.

2. Use An Atomizer

  • Remove the mist nozzle or sprayer from the perfume.
  • Take a perfume atomizer and you will find its refill point at the bottom.
  • Place the refill point of your atomizer on your perfume’s stem and keep pumping it till all the scent transfers in the atomizer.
  • You can use the atomizer again. Clean it with alcohol and it’s ready to be refilled.

3. Get a Roll-on Refillable Perfume Bottle

  • Transfer the perfume from the atomizer to a new roll-on bottle.
  • You can also open the metal cup and directly pour the fragrance into a roll-on bottle using a funnel.

Don’t panic if you don’t know how to open a broken perfume bottle. Wear gloves and hold the flacon firmly while you open it by putting light pressure.

So far I have described what to do with a broken perfume bottle. However, sometimes the nozzle of a fragrance can get jammed or break. In the next section, I will discuss what you can do to fix a broken perfume nozzle.

How To Fix A Broken Perfume Nozzle?

Our perfume nozzles can be tricky. They may stop working for several reasons.

For example, there can be residual build-up, the bottle has been dropped too many times, or even a mechanical fault.


As a fraghead, I understand it can be a bit frustrating when you push down the nozzle, and nothing happens. However, instead of throwing away your perfume bottles, you can fix the problem by following a few tricks.

Here are 5 ways to fix your broken perfume nozzle:

1. Put pressure on the sprayer and Shake The Bottle

Often, the resistance and pressure in the nozzle make it difficult to spray. So place your fingers against the sprayer and press it down a few times.

You can shake the bottle and spray it a few times. This way any slight clogging may go away.

2. Soak the nozzle in warm water

There is always a chance of residue building up in the nozzle. Remove the nozzle and soak it in warm water with washing-up liquid for 30 minutes to clear the residue. Next, remove, dry with a tea towel, and let it rest for air dry before reattaching.

3. Use Rubbing Alcohol

Soak a cotton ball or cotton swab in rubbing alcohol if the nozzle is small and apply this to the inside of the cap.

Rub it everywhere inside the cap, especially around the nozzle exit hole. Leave the cotton inside for 20-30 minutes, rinse in warm water, dry it with a towel, and air dry.

It cleanses any type of sticky residue in the nozzle which is tough to remove with water. That way your perfume spray will work smoothly.

4. Remove build-up from the nozzle with a pin

Get a pin and gently push a hole through the nozzle opening to clean it out thoroughly. Further, run this pin down the plastic tube that connects the nozzle to the bottle.

When you do this make sure to cover your scent bottle with a tight lid as the perfume can evaporate easily if you keep it open for a long time.

5. Check the bottom of the straw

If the straw is too low, it will stop any perfume from coming out. Try removing the whole top section to check if the straw is attached to the bottle. Otherwise, simply use tweezers to pop the tube back in place.

Nonetheless, you can always replace the nozzle if none of the above methods work.

How To Use Perfume Without A Spray Nozzle?

When the nozzle breaks, it is a dilemma to use the remaining perfume. Moreover, if it’s an expensive or your favorite fragrance – you need to find ways.

Luckily, you can still use your perfume even if the nozzle breaks. Many of you don’t properly know how to refill a perfume bottle. In that case, you can use the fragrance just by storing it in any bottle.

In other words, you need to dab your fragrance onto your skin instead of spraying it. Here are some ways:


Use Cotton Ball

Pour some of your perfume onto the cotton ball and dab it onto your skin. However, the cotton ball may soak too much of your perfume. So it’s best for stronger fragrances.

Apply With Fingers

You can place your finger on your perfume bottle’s tip and tap it to let some of the liquid out. You can then dab them on your pulse points. But you should not rub perfume as it will destroy the top notes of it.

Apply From The Bottle Directly To Your Skin

You can directly press the perfume bottle on pulse points like your wrist, elbow, or collarbones.

However, with dabbing, you will not get the longevity or sillage and projection of your fragrance as you will with spraying.

Therefore, you should just get a new nozzle or transfer the perfume to another bottle.

How To Remove Spilled Perfume Smell From the Room?

I often see online queries about the strong perfume smell of the broken bottle even after cleaning it. Some fragrances can be very potent and leave an intense aroma that can be too stubborn to leave.

Also, when you travel with your favorite perfume and do not ensure safe packaging that can also spill it due to air pressure.

I have faced the same thing a lot. But a few tricks worked great for me. I will explain them in the following section.

Here are some methods to remove the perfume smell from the room:

  • Use Vinegar or Lemon: Use a few tablespoons of vinegar or lemon while mopping the floor. Their strong acidic, citrusy smell works great in getting rid of intense perfume smell from the floor.
  • Keep Baking Soda: Keep baking soda overnight in the room where the perfume bottle broke. It absorbs the strong aroma.
  • Add Ammonia While Cleaning: Ammonia also works great in concealing any kind of smell. Mix it in the mopping water with baking soda and vinegar for better results.
  • Coffee Beans: The air-neutralizing capacity of coffee beans is amazing. Keep a few pieces of coffee beans in the room where the perfume spilled and slowly it will conceal the strong smell.


How do you store perfume when the bottle is broken?

You can store remaining perfume in an atomizer from a broken bottle and keep them in closed cabinets for safety and to stop them from evaporating faster.

Do perfume bottles break easily?

Glass perfume bottles can break easily if mishandled. Also, keeping it under direct sunlight for a longer time can ruin its glass temper.

Where should I throw my broken perfume bottle?

Discard broken perfume bottles to hazardous waste bins. It will mitigate the chance of injury for anyone.

Are glass spray bottles better than plastic?

Glass spray bottles are safe as they have tighter lids than plastic bottles. That way perfume evaporates less frequently.

How do you sterilize glass spray bottles?

To sterilize a glass spray bottle, steam it or keep it in the hot water for a couple of minutes.


Perfumes come in gorgeous bottles that we would love to reuse or keep as decorative pieces in our house.

If you don’t know how to use a broken perfume bottle, then I have some ideas for you. You can clean the broken bottle and use it as a vase to plant tiny trees.

Apart from that, you can transfer the remaining fragrance easily into an atomizer, new perfume bottle, or travel-sized bottle.

In conclusion, don’t throw away your broken perfume bottle – save the scent and enjoy it.

I hope you found the article helpful, and I am sure it will help you out in the long run.

Also, I look forward to seeing your thoughts or concerns in the comment section below. Goodbye!

About The Author
Hello, I am Tasnim, a senior content developer at 10 Fragrances. I am passionate, brave, and up for challenges. From trying new and timeless fashion trends, I gradually leaned toward the amazing world of perfume, where scents do all the talking.

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