Is Perfume Safe to Use During Pregnancy?[Facts & Guide 2024]

Written By Lamaya Mahboob

When you are pregnant, you have to be extra careful of what you are putting on your body as you can not only harm yourself but also the little life growing inside you.

If you are a perfume lover, you may ask yourself whether it is safe for you to use the same perfumes while you are pregnant.

To know the answer, do read the article till the end.

Is Perfume Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

Is perfume safe to use during pregnancy?

Yes, perfume is safe to use when you are pregnant. If it makes you feel classy, confident and sexy then why not wear them even when you are pregnant. But products containing phthalates should be used as little as possible. During the period of pregnancy, women can have many unpleasant symptoms and they can vary in every case.

Pregnant women may find the smell of perfume sickening sometimes. Headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting can be the result of it. Therefore, it is of course better to ignore it then. But, if you have already been using your perfume while you are pregnant, you do not have to be concerned because your baby is fine.

Can perfume cause birth defects?

No, using perfume cannot cause birth defects in your baby. As far now, no healthcare expert has said that perfumes can cause birth defects. However, the only thing strongly advised to pregnant women is to use as few phthalates containing products as possible. Exposure phthalates are harmful to the human body.

Birth defects can be caused by chemicals like phthalates which are present in 75% of all perfumes to increase their longevity.

Phthalates can also cause hormonal imbalancement, reproductive problems and other health problems as well.

It is hard to determine the quantity of phthalates in perfumes as the manufactures are not obliged to mention it on the label.

However, with the limited information about phthalates, it is recommended to use it as little as possible.

Are you a Muslim? Then check out-Does Perfume Break Fast?

And, at the same time, Dr. Sara Twogood, an assistant professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Keck Medicine of USC, said that if a pregnant woman is already using her perfumes, she should not be worried.

Which perfume is best for pregnancy?

Which perfume is best for pregnancy?

When you are pregnant always go for light and natural smelling perfumes. Most of the time, perfumes that overpower your sense might contain toxic chemicals which can be harmful for the baby. And also, a strong smell has a higher possibility of making pregnant women sick and giving them headaches and nausea.

Here are some light perfumes appropriate for pregnant women:

  • Jo Malone London Wood Sage & Sea Salt

It offers refreshments from the beach. Sea salt and sage are the main notes after a blast of zesty grapefruit. The scent makes you calm. It is a light and natural-smelling perfume that keeps nausea away.

  • Diptyque L’Eau De Neroli

The neroli here smells the most natural, which is green, soapy, and sweet. This note is backed by lemon and petitgrain. It increases the green aroma of the scent. And the citrus always helps to lighten your mood.

  • Chanel Chance

It has a combination of lightly fruity and floral notes. Grapefruit plays in the front and the florals are softly present. They work in harmony to create a light and breezy scent.

  • Marc Jacobs Daisy

Daisy is one of the most famous perfumes out there so I can imagine how good the smell is. It has won many FiFi awards. The sparkling perfume starts with grapefruit and has a greenish tone. The florals come later on. And it ends with a little bit of musk and wood.

  • By Kilian Good Girl Gone Bad

Good Girl Gone Bad is a feminine floral fragrance with a twist of its own.  The twist is formed by osmanthus which gives a sour touch on your skin. And the sour smell always keeps the vomit away.

  • Burberry Weekend For Women

It is a vintage scent with a fruity-floral combination. You will get a powdery texture from the beginning of its journey. You can wear it all year round.

Also, check our latest investigation- Is Ambergris Still Used in Perfume?

These are all light perfumes. However, if you feel like even they are too strong for you, you can always go for body spray and lotion. As they contain less alcohol, they are lighter and proved to be more comfortable for pregnant women.

Is fragrance in skincare safe for pregnancy?

It is safe to use fragrance in skincare while pregnant. There is no healthcare facility which has told pregnant women to stay away from fragrance based skincare. However, it is good for you if you can decrease the use of them as too many fragrances can make you feel nauseous and you may end up vomiting.

Most of the skincare products are fragrance based. In normal circumstances, you may enjoy the smell of your strawberry musk or blueberry scrub.

However, your reaction towards this fragrance may change when the sense of smell is heightened during pregnancy.

So, it is easier to feel nausea and dizziness from these kinds of fragrance based products.

To avoid the extra burden of feeling sick, you can use less fragrance in skincare.

But, do you have to stop it completely? No. If your body can take it then why not?

Have some time to spare? Check out our latest guide- What Is a Perfume Atomizer And Why do I Need One?

Although, if you are very worried about using them, you can cut them off from your skincare routine and only stick to light perfumes.

Can perfume cause miscarriage?

No, perfumes are not considered to be one of the causes of miscarriage. However, as phthalates are said to be harmful for pregnant women and babies, it is said to avoid products or perfumes which have them.

It is said a pregnant woman can put a spritz or two of a perfume she likes, it would not harm herself or the baby.

However, people are not concerned about phthalates being present in most of the perfumes and many other daily products.

As if now no research is yet done to confirm that perfume can cause miscarriage or be dangerous to pregnant women.

If you want to be careful, use perfumes and skincare which are labeled as phthalates-free. And you are good to go.

Can you use fragrance oil when pregnant?

Can you use fragrance oil when pregnant?

Some fragrance oil can be used when you are pregnant. However, not all fragrance oils are safe to use during pregnancy. So, you have to be careful which fragrance oil you are using on yourself.

Fragrance essential oils are made to improve certain health conditions in the human body.

However, the effect may not be pleasant after using certain fragrance oils when you are pregnant.

Some fragrance oil you should avoid while you are pregnant:

  • Fennel

It increases estrogen levels.which can lead to preterm labor or miscarriage.

  • Clary Sage

May alter the flow of blood between mother and placenta and also trigger early contraction.

  • Hyssop

May cause seizure and disruption of fetal neurological development.

  • Rosemary

Increases heart rate. It is more dangerous for women who have high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Here are some Fragrance oils that are safe to use during pregnancy:

Chamomile, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, frankincense, and rose fragrance oils are safe to use during pregnancy.

Each of them has its own magic to benefit you during your pregnancy. They help you to keep you calm and become the source of your energy.

Fragrance oil can also help pregnant women to fight off insecurities and anxieties.

Looking for something different? Then check out our blog about Why Are Perfumes Cheaper on Amazon?


In general, perfume is considered to be safe during pregnancy. So, spray your favorite perfume to lift up your grumpy mood.

Make sure, these perfumes or fragrance-based products are not making you feel more nauseous or dizzy than you happen to be.

And more importantly, stay away from products that contain phthalates.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I would be happy to answer them.

About The Author
Perfume has always been Lamaya's passion as she grew up smelling all the perfumes her mother had. And sometimes she would spray them on her secretly. Lamaya likes doing doodling art as well. If you ever see her in person, you can request a doodle art. You might get one. She wants to be an Environmental & Animal rights activist in the future.

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