Is Duty-Free Perfume Really Cheaper? [Truth Revealed]

Written By Lamaya Mahboob

When you are travelling, your eye must catch every duty-free shop in the airports. Who does not like to get a perfume cheaper than usual, right?

However, you might to confused about why these perfumes are cheaper in duty-free shops and how cheap you can consider them to be.

I have done a lot of research and have personal experience with duty-free as I have recently been travelling frequently.

To know every detail about duty-free shopping, keep reading until the end.

Is Duty-Free Perfume Really Cheaper

Is duty-free perfume really cheaper?

Yes, duty-free perfumes are really cheaper. It is because no tax is included on any of the products, so travelers can buy them much cheaper in the airports than anywhere else. By eliminating the tax, duty-free sells perfumes much lower price than any other high street shops. And that is why a lot of people buy perfumes from duty-free rather than anywhere else.

How much cheaper is duty-free perfume?

You can get a minimum of at least 15% less price in duty-free shop. It means you can buy your perfume which you have been saving up money for 15% cheaper than in any other downtown market.

We all want to purchase what we like in a lesser price and duty-free helps us to do that. And duty-free stores give you a guarantee of 15% discount of all time. It is possible for them because there is no tax added in their price tags.

If you go into the perfume section of any duty-free shops, you will notice that you would not be able to find the most expensive perfumes there. That is the business strategy they use. Nevertheless, you will find a lot of perfumes which you will absoluty love.

In the perfume section, there are also packages of perfumes with skincare products which can also be a very good deal for you.

Also, check our latest post What is Fragrance-Zoning?

When you are traveling, doing everything in your budget is one of the most important things. And duty-free can save lifes then. Travelers can buy their needed goods from there and even save their dimes for the next incoming trips.

Are duty-free perfumes original?

We cannot deny the fact that fake perfumes do exist. And, sometimes, the buyers do not even know that they might be selling fake fragrances to their beloved customers. It makes the customers feel betrayed. And not only that, fake perfumes can also cause serious allergy problem. To buy original perfumes from duty-free, you have to keep some tips in your mind.

Here are the things to notice before buying a perfume from duty-free:

  • The wrapping- perfume houses make sure their perfumes are well wrapped by using thick and qualitiful cellophane. Make sure the perfume is not wrapped poorly, has wrinkles or thin cellophane is used because that would mean the perfume might be fake.
  • The seams- original perfumes are always wrapped with flawless plastic and neatly flooded seams which are sealed. Fake perfumes might not have eye flattering seams. It might have improper seams with excess glue or uneven width or length measurements instead.
  • The cap- original perfumes always have well fit caps and very symmetric to the bottle. They are places in the center of the bottles. Whereelse, fake bottles might have an off center and asymmetric cap.
  • The label- always read the whole label before purchasing any perfume. And while reading, try to look for spelling mistakes and any detailing which is different from the picture given on the original website of the perfume. Even a very minor change means the perfume is not authentic.
  • The serial number- check the serial number which is given on the bottom of the bottle and the box. The number should be identical. And the number should be glued on, it should be imprinted with ink.
  • The colour- original perfumes are manufactured with light colour juices as they use as less chemical or other substance as possible. So, if you see your bottle has a very eye catching juice color, it could indicate that is is fake.

Looking for something different? Then check out our guide on  Why Does Perfume Change Color?

If you have checked all these points and you see everything is fine, then go for it. It is cheap and authentic. What else do you need?

Is it worth buying perfume from duty-free?

Of course, it is worth buying perfume from duty-free. Who would not want to have a perfume with a 15 % lesser than the original price? Every traveler would recommend you to purchase perfumes from duty-free because it is cheap and perfuect to buy some last minute presents for your friends and family.

To have a more accurate perfume shopping plan ahead on which perfume you are going to get from duty-free. This saves you from a lot of trouble when your window is small between your flights. But always remember to check the box and label of the perfume carefully.

Have some time to spare? Check out- What Are Perfume Flankers?

Other things that are totally worth it to buy from duty-free:

  • Alcohol- it is one of the most common things to buy from duty-free. If you need a bottle of wine for visiting a friend’s house, you know where to go now.
  • Chocolate- if you forgot to buy a bar of toblerone to way back home, get it from duty-free with a lower price.
  • Beauty products- just like perfumes, beauty products and skincare products are cheaper in duty-free.
  • Tobacco- it is injurious to health.

Why is duty-free so cheap?

All the products in duty-free do not have any tax over them so you can pay a lesser price to get them.

Duty-frree are not only present in airports, it is also in areas that cater to international travelers, such as border towns and even cruise ships.

The meaning of ‘duty’ in the name duty-free refers to taxes and adding free in the names makes it tax-free.

This allowes duty-free to sell products without any kind of national, local, export or import taxes in any item. This makes items that are typically subject to high taxes great bargains.

In the absence of taxes, duty-free shops can sell goods with lower prices. It is done mainly for the betterment of the international travellers.


You may not think much when you see a duty-free shop in the airport while travelling. However, it can be financially beneficial for you to shop certain things from there.

Next time you cross a duty-free shop, do give a visit to the perfume aisle.

Check out our Ultimate Guide on Can You Return Perfume to Macy’s?

If you have any further queries, please feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I would be happy to answer them.

About The Author
Perfume has always been Lamaya's passion as she grew up smelling all the perfumes her mother had. And sometimes she would spray them on her secretly. Lamaya likes doing doodling art as well. If you ever see her in person, you can request a doodle art. You might get one. She wants to be an Environmental & Animal rights activist in the future.

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