Can You Spray Perfume On a Leather Jacket? [Truth Revealed]

Written By Lamaya Mahboob

Leather jackets can be very expensive because leather itself is high priced and after adding the bill of handcrafting designing charges, it reaches sky high.

Therefore, it is understandable that you are worried about whether or not your cool leather jacket is getting ruined by the perfumes you are spraying on it.

To know every detail of how leather works with perfume, do keep reading till the end.

Can you spray perfume on a leather jacket

Can you spray perfume on a leather jacket?

No, spraying on your leather jacket is never a good idea. Perfumes or body sprays, they have alcohol and other chemicals in them which is harmful for your glazing leather jacket. Discolor, fading, weakened material and lopsided note release are some effects which are caused by spraying perfume on leather jackets. The alcohol reacts with the dye of the leather to discolor it and fading takes place if your jacket is made up of polished leather. The corrosive substances in perfume make the leather material weak so the skin peels off. And as leather absorbs heat, it ruins the sequence of the notes of a perfume. Top and middle notes come together and evaporate very quickly. On the other hand, the base notes stay with the leather jacket forever. Therefore, even if you are not worried about damaging your leather jacket, you should stop spraying your perfume on it as it stops the notes from doing its magic.

How do you get perfume smell out of leather?

If you have mistakenly already sprayed perfume on your leather item and now you want to get rid of the smell, don’t worry, there are ways to make the leather smell as natural as before.

Here are some tips on how you can get perfume smell out of leather: 

  • Sunlight- heat from the sun is one of the most effective ways to get rid of the perfume smell off the leather naturally. If you put your leather item outdoors for 2 to 3 days to breathe fresh air, you are going to get an amazing result.
  • White vinegar– make a dilute solution of vinegar by putting 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water in a container. Wipe the solution on the surface of the leather and then dry the surface with an absorbent cloth. If the smell is too strong, keep the solution on the leather for not more than 5 to 10 minutes so that it does not get soaked and become moldy.
  • Baking soda– baking soda is great to remove any kind of odor. It is the same with perfume as well. Sparkle baking soda on your leather item and put it in a zip lock bag then close the top. Keep it inside the bag overnight or for 24 hours. Remove all the baking soda by gently brushing the item to get a fresh smelling leather.

Have some time to spare? Check out our latest guide What Makes a Perfume Unique?

  • Newspaper or packing paper– newspaper and packing paper are great for absorbing any smell. So, wrap your leather item with a few newspapers and put it in a packet. This will get rid of the perfume smell and make the leather soft.
  • Leather cleaner– if you are scared to use any home remedy as you need to make the situation worse, you can buy a leather cleaner. Leather cleaners are made by experts, therefore, it is of course more safe as it has the right level of pH to treat perfume smell.

What fragrances go well with leather?

Pulling off a leather piece is tough, whether it’s a jacket, top or pants. However, having the spitz of the right perfume can boost up your confidence and complete the whole look. It is important to know which perfume to go for when you are wearing leather.

These are some fragrances which go well with leather: 

  • Etat Libre d’Orange Tom of Finland- it is the perfect perfume to wear with your leather jacket on in the fall and winter. You will get the leather note in every step. But at the end the leather becomes sweet with vanilla and tonka bean. A touch of iris wins my heart with a powdery feeling.
  •  Canali Men- what a refreshing perfume with all the citrus coming with the tart of apple and sweet tangy pineapple. Jasmine is here refined and dusted with the powdery musky warmth of orange flowers balanced by the cool sweet violets. You won’t stop getting compliments.
  • Ermenegildo Zegna Z Zegna- A fresh spicy and woody perfume is what you need to sum up your leather look. And that is exactly what it offers you. The combination of citrus, pepper and wood is to die for. It gives you the confidence you need.
  • Dior Fahrenheit Absolute– you can sink in the depth of this perfume. It is such a dark, warm and smoky perfume which can be worn in winter times. It gives a very mysterious and intense vibe. incense and violets are the dominant notes with a hint of oud.
  • Dior Les Creations de Monsieur Dior Diorling– it is from the women’s section. You smell it and immediately know that a classy woman would wear it. It is a  sweet, smokey, fresh and spicy fragrance.
  • Paco Rabanne 1 Million– it is a very popular scent as it is mass appealing so compliments will be flying towards you. It opens up with a bright grapefruit spiced with cinnamon and spices. A creamy floral resting on a base of leather and amber.

Quickly check out our post Can a Woman Wear Men’s Perfume?

 Can you spray febreze on leather?

No, you cannot use febreze on leather. It is not the worst thing to use on leather however you should still try to avoid using it on your leather jacket, pants, bag or couch. As it contains alcohol as well, it harms the quality of the leather product. And most importantly the manufacturer of febreze strongly recommends not using febreze on leather.

Febreze is used to take out bad odor from materials. And it is very good at its job. However, it cannot be sprayed on every surface and leather is one of them.

It does have the power to get rid of the smell from your leather item but the installed product will be damaged by the chemicals present in febreze.

Another important concern is febreze can make a stain on your leather. This occurs by the chemical which is in the formula in febreze reacting with the dye of the leather.

Febreze also has perfume in it which discolors the leather. It can also give a stick feeling to the surface of leather which can be unsatisfying.

Quickly check out our post on Should You Wear Perfume to a Funeral?

Does perfume stain leather?

Yes, perfume can put a stain mark on your favorite leather jacket. Most of the perfumes are alcohol based and have oil in them. And this oil can have a permanent mark on the leather if sprayed directly on it.

Even if the perfume is a clear one, it can leave its stain and residue. That is why it is always suggested to wear perfume before putting on your leather clothing.

However, there is a way to remove the perfume stain from the leather item.

Follow this steps to get a stainless leather item: 

  • Swirl liquid soap into water in a bucket to make frothy suds.
  • With a sponge, scoop off only the suds and knead the soap into the perfume spill on the leather. Gently scrub the area.
  • Using paper towels, blot the affected area.
  • To absorb perfume oils and aroma, sprinkle cornmeal on the stain site. Allow the cornmeal to sit on the leather for several hours, then reapply if necessary.
  • Using a damp sponge, wipe away the cornmeal and blot dry the area using paper towels.
  • To restore the shine, buff the leather with saddle soap or a conditioning lotion.

Follow our guide on How to Build a Fragrance Collection?


To keep your leather jacket last long, avoid direct exposure of perfume from it.

Spraying perfume does not only decrease the quality of the leather, it does not even allow perfume to deliver its notes accordingly.

Therefore, perfume and leather can never be friends!

If you have any further queries, please feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I would be happy to answer them.

About The Author
Perfume has always been Lamaya's passion as she grew up smelling all the perfumes her mother had. And sometimes she would spray them on her secretly. Lamaya likes doing doodling art as well. If you ever see her in person, you can request a doodle art. You might get one. She wants to be an Environmental & Animal rights activist in the future.

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