What Are The Alternative Usages Of Perfume? (Creative Ways!)

Written By Nazia Haque

When you think about perfume, it’s only natural to assume spritzing is the only solution.

However, I was amazed when I found out some amazing alternative uses for my fragrances.

Now, keep reading as I have explored and found the best answers to help you out.

What Are The Alternative Usages Of Perfume? (Creative Ways!)

What Are The Alternative Usages Of Perfume?

There are plenty of other ways to douse yourself in a sweet scent instead of layering in your signature scent. For example, you can use them in beauty or bath products for an extra luxurious smell. So perfume can work in different ways for a pleasant aromatic experience.

Before going further, You can read our experience about Does Perfume Smell Different On Everyone?

Can You Use Perfume In Candles?

No, we cannot use perfume in candles because they are mostly alcohol-based which makes them hazardous. However, fragrance oils mix well with molten wax; but, perfumes result in fragile, chunky, and discolored candles. So, your scents are not practical for candle making.

Scented candles are a pleasant treat but using perfume to make them isn’t a safe option.

Most perfumes contain highly flammable alcohol. And we know candles need fire to burn, so using fragrance will result in a fire hazard.

Moreover, burning perfume is a dangerous idea as then it will produce a mixture of hazardous gases like formaldehyde that can cause cancer.

Manufacturers use toxic chemicals such as parabens that cause adverse effects on our bodies.

Also, even if you do end up getting a candle with real perfume, that will have a short-lasting scent. The fragrances will burn pretty quickly because of the alcohol base.

So it is always advisable to oil-based raw materials when you’d make candles.

Fragrance oils don’t interfere with the composition of the candle wax like a perfume would, so you’d get a well-mixed scented candle.

Also, fragrance oils in scented candles burn at a much slower pace than in candles so that you will enjoy the aroma longer.

Can You Use Room Spray As Perfume?

Yes, we can use room spray as a perfume, but that doesn’t mean you will douse yourself in Febreze or spritz aerosol cans of Glade. So, you need to use room sprays from actual fragrance companies. Many of them have even 10% perfume oil, making them suitable for skin.

Many fragrance companies offer room spray at a much more affordable price than your typical perfumes.

Also, having fragrance oils means they will stay on your skin and let you enjoy the scent.

Moreover, breathing room sprays are not harmful as they are a less concentrated breed.

Room sprays are actually very flexible; they allow you to add a little bit of scent as well as a more significant dose of fragrance.

Plus, some room sprays come as a perfume and spritz in your room so that both of you can smell great.

Can You Use Perfume As Deodorant?

No, you can not use perfume as a deodorant because they don’t work the same. Deodorant is only used in the body to hide offensive body odors. Perfume is applied to the body or clothes to have pleasant aromas. So, your perfume cannot fulfill the purpose of deodorant.

We don’t just use deodorant to cover up an odor and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Body odor is actually the smell of bacteria decaying. It’s usually in the armpits because that’s where the sweat is trapped, which is the best place for bacteria to decay.

But a good deodorant and antiperspirant can neutralize the bacteria, so it doesn’t decay and so can not stink.

However, perfumes can only mask the smell, but the bacteria will still decay.

Therefore, deodorant is used to stop odor while perfume is used to bring new aromas.

Can You Use Vanilla Extract As Perfume?

Yes, you can use vanilla extract as a perfume, such as putting a bit of it behind the ear can do the trick. But as there are no fixatives so the smell will disappear after a few minutes. So, it’s better to make your own perfume with vanilla extract that’s totally chemical-free.

Vanilla beans are enriched with antioxidants and antibacterial properties.

So, it just doesn’t have a soothing smell but can calm your mind, and those extracts can restore your skin.

All you need is a spray bottle, vanilla extract, and distilled water to make a perfume. However, you can add essential oil to it as well.

Moreover, you can dilute the scent whenever it gets stronger because vanilla becomes more potent as it sits.

Vanilla has got tons of B vitamins. And you should use it’s extracts that are augmented by coumarin derived from tonka beans.

Looking for something different? Then check out our ultimate guide on How Many Perfume Sprays Should You Apply?

Can You Use Hair Mist As Perfume?

Yes, you can use hair mist as an alternative to perfume, and you won’t sweat them off either. Hair mists are specifically formulated, keeping your hair health in mind. So it doesn’t have a high content of alcohol like regular Eau de parfum. Plus, the scent lasts longer in hair.

Hair mists are body products that smell the same or similar as a traditional perfume but are used on the hair.

Spraying perfume directly in your hair can damage, but hair mist doesn’t do that; instead, it can be nutritious.

Most hair fragrances have zero to low alcohol content, so it doesn’t volatilize quickly, plus moisturizes your hair, leaving a beautiful aroma.

Moreover, you will not only smell great but also experience it at a very affordable price.

So, next time you find yourself in need of a pleasant scent, you spritz some hair mist.

Can You Use Hair Perfume On Your Body?

Yes, you can use hair perfume on your body, but the scent will not last as long as it would have on your hair. It’s formula is different from typical fragrances. For starters, it has very little to zero alcohol, so it won’t be irritating if you have sensitive skin.

Hair perfumes are an easy, effortless alternative to your usual fragrances.

Alcohol can dry both skin and hair, which can irritate, and your regular perfumes contain a high percentage of alcohol.

However, hair perfumes have very little to no alcohol in them and can hydrate skin and hair.

So, hair perfumes will give you an extra layer to provide protection and repair.

But it is a known fact that fragrance will last longer on your hair than skin and let you enjoy the scent more.

Can You Use Perfume As Room Spray?

Yes, you can use perfume as a room spray and also spray it in your bathroom or anywhere in the house to have your favorite aroma around. However, fragrances are expensive to just spritz in your room. So, you can try using perfume samples or unwanted scents as your room spray.

When you spray perfume in your room, the air molecules and the fragrance molecules move around in a random direction.

The molecules collide with each other, and the scent diffuses around your room.

So, giving your room a burst or two of your perfume will be like an aromatic delight.

Especially when you have someone over scent from your fragrances can really set the mood.

Sometimes, some perfumes with lovely scents may not go with your skin, so you can definitely use those to spray your home.

Can You Use Perfume In Soap Making?

No, you cannot use perfume in soap making because they have alcohol. Soap making involves a chemical reaction called saponification, which will not work correctly due to alcohol and chemicals present in a perfume. So, instead, use essential oils to make beautifully scented soaps.

There’s nothing like a beautifully scented natural handmade bar of soap.

But to get your favorite scent on your soap, you cannot use fragrances or colognes.

Perfumes are usually alcohol-based, and alcohol can be tricky in soap.

However, if you add fragrances that are not formulated to work with soap can disturb the chemical reaction and result in a negative reaction.

So, instead, you can go for essential oils that are safe and have a variety of scents that you can add to your soap.

Can You Use Rubbing Alcohol For Perfume?

Yes, you can use rubbing alcohol for perfume because it’s not that strong, plus it is used when good absorption is required. It is also known as isopropyl alcohol. However, you should never use methanol as it is readily absorbed across the skin and is toxic.

Alcohol-based perfumes usually use ethanol. High-proof, food-grade ethanol is the most accessible alcohol to obtain.

Ethanol is also known as denatured alcohol; instead, you can also use rubbing alcohol known as isopropyl. You need to use alcohol as the base for your perfume because oil dissolves in alcohol beautifully.

Moreover, oil and water don’t mix, and a completely oil-based perfume can stain your light-colored clothes.

Also, you can use vodka or Ever-clear in perfume because they are clear and don’t have a particularly “boozy” odor.

Can You Use Pillow Mist As Perfume?

No, you cannot use pillow mist as a perfume because it produces sleep-inducing hormones, and you don’t want to doze off in the middle of work. It is scientifically proven that pillow mist helps you sleep better, whereas we use perfume to smell fresh, active, and pleasant.

Pillow sprays contain a blend of sleep-hormone encouraging lavender, vetiver, camphor, and patchouli to help us reach deep sleep.

The aromas cause our bodies to produce melatonin, a hormone that promotes restful sleep.

So, imagine spraying pillow mist instead of perfume and get drowsy all day or doze off in the middle of a meeting.

We use perfume in our everyday life to have a refreshing scent around us.

So, don’t use pillow mist as a fragrance but on your pillows to have a nice soothing good night’s sleep.

Can You Use Perfume As Setting Spray?

No, you cannot use perfume as a setting spray because your face is a very sensitive area, and your regular fragrances will not be friendly to it. In addition, your perfume has mostly alcohol and top of that, tons of chemicals; all these can be very harmful if sprayed in your face.

I know it is a struggle to keep your makeup stay put for more than a couple of hours.

And that is why setting sprays come as a blessing to keep our makeup smudge-free and intact for hours.

However, perfumes cannot replace setting sprays, specifically to keep the longevity of our makeup.

Your typical fragrances have alcohol and lots of harmful chemicals that are not friendly to sensitive skin, plus if anyhow swallowed can be life-threatening.

And our face is one of the most sensitive areas, so you don’t want to risk harming it by directly spraying perfume on it.

What Are The Uses For Your Old Perfumes?

I know it can be annoying when you get your hands full with old perfumes that you no longer want to wear.

Luckily, you don’t have to sit around and watch your fragrances waste away. Here are 10 uses for your old perfume:

1# Give it away
There are people out there who love vintage perfumes. Plus, some websites sell used perfumes, and you can donate them as well.

2# Spritz on stationary
A few sprays on your stationeries will give them a pleasant, appealing scent.

3# Use as an air freshener
If your house doesn’t get enough fresh air, then it’s a great option to spray a bit of perfume for a lovely aroma around the house.

4# Spray it on the toilet roll
Spray a few of your old perfumes on the toilet roll directly. The subtle aroma will make you enjoy visiting the washroom. It is an excellent option if you have a guest over.

5# Spray it on your car
Spritz one or two sprays of perfume in your car’s flooring and seats to get rid of the typical car scent.

6# Use it as a drawer scent
Keep a bottle of your perfume in a drawer with your clothes to give them a pleasant smell.

7# Use it in a diffuser
Diffusers are trendy and can make your home filled with beautiful aromas. So, instead of buying scents, you can use your leftover perfumes to diffuse a pleasant smell in your home.

8# Make a room spray
Just spray perfume in your room for a nice aromatic treat.

9# Spray in bath stream
Adding sprays of perfume in your shower will give you a nice relaxing bath after a tiring day.

10# Scent your handkerchief in the wash
When you put your handkerchief in the dryer, add a max of 5 sprays of perfume to add an extra beautiful scent to it.

Follow our guide to know How Many Perfumes Should A Woman Have?


We all love a good smell on us and around us. A pleasant scent can be soothing to ourselves and the people around us.

Fragrances are created with beautiful scents that can remind us of memory or attract us to someone. However, we can smell great without typical perfumes as there are plenty of alternatives to them.

Plus, perfumes do contain ingredients that can be harmful to those of us with sensitive skin.

Moreover, your fragrances can be used in other ways than just spraying on your body. So, looking for a safe route to smell amazing is a wise and healthy choice.

I hope you have found some helpful answers that will surely be useful for you. If you have any more questions or suggestions, please share them in the comment section below.

About The Author
Nazia is passionate about perfumes. Her love for perfumes started with her father whom she lost in 2017. She’d often reminisce his memories with the help of his fragrances’. Writing about fragrances makes her happy as she can share its wonders with the world. She also loves reading sci-fi novels and traveling.

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