Should You Shake Perfume Bottle? [Perfume Myth Investigated]

Written By Lamaya Mahboob

You are not the only one who is confused on how to use a perfume to get its full coverage. At the end of the day we all want our favorite scent to stay with us for the whole day.

And the most common question you ask yourself is ‘whether shaking the perfume before spraying the juice makes the notes more prominent or not?’.

This idea comes into our mind as we have always seen our parents shake the perfume bottle before using it.

To know what exactly happens to your perfume when you shake the bottle, keep reading till the end.

Should You Shake Perfume Bottle

Should you shake perfume bottle?

You should not shake perfume bottles as it can damage the chemical balance of the molecules in the perfume’s composition. Shaking a perfume bottle causes heat which is induced by kinetic energy. This heat is bad for the compounds in the perfume.

It is one of the most common habits to shake a perfume bottle even when you are not going to apply it.

It is believed when you shake a perfume bottle, the notes get a good mix and it provides you with a better journey of the perfume; from top notes to base notes.

However, it is only a myth. It is quite bad for the perfume when you shake its bottle in reality.

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The compounds in a perfume are put in a delicate chemical balance to project the smell the way it does.

When heat is absorbed by the perfume by the induction of kinetic energy after shaking, this chemical balance is jeopardized. This change in the molecule harms the way your perfume smells.

Therefore, it is best for you to not shake your perfume at any cost.

Should you shake perfume before use?

No, you definitely should not shake your perfume before use. The heat that is produced by the shaking of the bottle destroys the perfect chemical balance between the molecules and ruins your perfume.

The molecules of the perfume sit on a delicate chemical balance. This bacalce is interrupted when you shake the perfume bottle. The shaking transfers potential energy to kinetic energy to the molecules.

The kinetic energy creates more frequent movement between the molecules. This also increases the collision between them.

The rubbing molecules with one another creates heat. The heat triggers the evaporation of scent from the fragrance molecules. This heat ultimately damages the chemical balance.

When the chemical balance is damaged, the quality of your very expensive bottle will suffer as well as its lasting power.

Therefore, the old magic of your bottle will be gone forever if you shake it before applying.

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Even if the perfume bottle has been shaken, do not use the juice until it has been 2 to 3 days. The perfume needs time to settle and get back to its original chemical balance.

Does shaking perfume ruin it?

Yes, shaking perfume can ruin it. The heat produced by the shaking of a perfume bottle causes an imbalancement of the molecules which causes harm to its quality and longevity.

When the potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy by the shaking, heat is created from the collision between the molecules of the perfume.

This heat interrupts the delicate chemical balance. You may not feel the heat when you are holding the perfume bottle after shaking as the heat is not produced at a margical level, however, it is enough to affect the molecules.

The perfume’s overall lifespan is shortened. So, while you may not notice any immediate or short-term changes to the perfume, it will depreciate in quality and lose its aroma more quickly in the long run.

Should you shake deodorant before applying?

Yes, you can shake deodorant before applying. Most of the deodorants contain antiperspirants which are heavy components compared to the components found in perfumes. For being heavy, antiperspirants sit on the bottom of the bottle being slightly separated from the other components. To have a nice mix, shaking the deodorant before applying is not harmful.

You have seen your parents shaking their perfume bottles befring using them thinking it would mix all the notes evenly, however, it is not true when you are dealing with a deodorant.

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It is not a must to shake every deodorant. If it contains antiperspirants , then you have to shake to get a better result. However, even if you shake a deodorant which does not contain antiperspirants, it would not be a problem as all deodorants are aerosol-based.

To have a better idea, you can always read the label of the deodorant to check whether it is going to be appropriate to shake it or not.

How to prevent perfume bottles from shaking?

Here are some ways to prevent your perfume bottle from shaking:

  • Avoid drawers to store the perfume bottles- yes, you should always store your perfume in a dark and cool place so that no sunlight can come close to it. So, a drawer may seem a perfect place to hide your precious bottles. However, the problem occurs as you open and close the drawer frequently. While opening and closing it, the perfume bottles are being shaked. Even if you do not find the difference in the quality of the perfume right away, you will face the damage over time.
  • Avoid carrying perfume bottles everywhere- it is obvious when you are carrying something liquid, it is moving every time your body is making a movement. Therefore, when you are carrying a perfume bottle, it is continuously shaking whether you are doing it intentionally or intentionally. If you like to carry your scent to reapply when it is needed, then use atomizers which are easy to carry. And your perfume bottle will be still and safe at home.
  • Avoid keeping your perfume bottle in the car- keeping perfume in the car does not only give it contact with sunlight, it also continuously shakes the bottle while you are driving it. You may think it is helpful to put your favorite perfume in the car so that you can use it in an emergency, but, you are only damaging it.  As perfumes are made of alcohol, they have risk factors to put it in a car. Fire hazard may occur.
  • Avoid shaking your perfume bottle before using it- shaking the perfume before use induces kinetic energy which increases the movement of the molecule and the delicate chemical balance gets affected by it.
  • Avoid maximizing skaking level when you are shifting it from one place to another- it is hard to avoid shaking while you are moving your perfumes from one location to another. However, you can always pack your perfumes in such a manner which will provide the least amount of shaking.

What is the correct way to use perfume?

Here are the steps you should floor to apply perfume in a correct way:

  • Apply perfume on clean skin- if your skin is not clean properly and it contains dirt or dust, the perfume cannot serve you with its greatest capacity. It is best to apply your perfume after taking a shower as you are the most clean then. Perfumes last longer when it is applied to clean skin.
  • Apply perfume on dry skin- yes, it is best to apply your perfume after a shower. However, make sure there is no excess water on your skin while applying it. Water can negatively affect the perfume you are applying. So, make sure to dry your skin by wiping it with a tower after shower and before applying the perfume.
  • Apply perfume on the skin- instead of spraying perfume on your clothes, spray it on your skin. The components of the perfume work the best when it is mixed with your skin oil. The scent you will get after applying it on your skin will be unique and special. And it also reduces the risk of having perfume stains on your clothes.
  • Apply perfume on pulse points- you will always get a better result when you apply the perfume on pulse points.
  • Apply 3 to 4 spritzes of the perfume- you have spritze utmost 3 to 4 times for most of the perfumes. However there are perfumes that will give you a beast mode delivery even with 1 to 2 spritzes. Remember the game is to not over spray. Therefore, you have to be careful.
  • Reapply the perfume- instead of applying too much at a time, reapply the perfume when it is necessary. If you think your perfume is not lasting long, you can always reapply it.

Are you a Muslim? Then check out-Does Perfume Break Fast?


Shaking your perfume bottle is always a bad idea, whether you are talking about doing it in general or before using it.

Even when the ingredients of the perfume are lying on the bottom of the bottle, give it a gentle twirl for a few times. Always avoid shaking at any cost.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I would be happy to answer them.

About The Author
Perfume has always been Lamaya's passion as she grew up smelling all the perfumes her mother had. And sometimes she would spray them on her secretly. Lamaya likes doing doodling art as well. If you ever see her in person, you can request a doodle art. You might get one. She wants to be an Environmental & Animal rights activist in the future.

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