How To Apply Cologne Without Spray? 5 Tricks That Never Fail

Written By Nazia Haque

The right way to apply cologne is by spraying it.

However, there are some who prefer not and instead go for other ways: like being cautious with how much to put on or via dabbing rather than applying directly from bottle.

Most perfumes come with their own sprayers nowadays.

But, what if your favorite bottle’s nozzle gets broken? Or worse, can’t properly spritz the perfume?

Well, no need to throw away that bottle, because you can still apply that cologne without spray.

Read on to find the best ways to apply cologne without spraying.

How To Apply Cologne Without Spray

Check our exclusive insight on  What Ingredient Makes Perfume Last Longer?

How to use Perfume Without Spray

When you purchase a bottle of your favorite perfume, it will come with a sprayer.

However, there is one drawback: some fragrances don’t use an atomizer which means dousing yourself with the scent isn’t quite as simple and easy.

So, how to use that fragrance in this situation?

Well, here are some ways to apply perfume without spray:

1. Preparations and Applying Techniques

Before putting on a perfume, you should take a bath so that the skin is moist. The reason is that perfumes will last less time on a dry skin. In this way, the scent molecules will have something to cling on for much longer than usual.

So, the first step is to ensure you take a bath before applying your cologne so that the skin can be moist and free from dirt.

Then, Use your wrist to cover the spout of your perfume bottle and turn over twice.

Now, use the fingers from your other hand to dab the perfume on your wrist and repeat this process on the other hand.

This way, you aren’t risking any contaminations or dirt going into your precious perfume bottle.

2. Don’t Rub, Dab

Don’t rub the perfume! This will break down its top notes faster and can even alter your scent to something unpleasant.

So, how do you apply a cologne without spray?

First, Pick up your favorite perfume and place your fingertip over the opening of the bottle.

Then, you need to quickly turn the bottle sideways or upside down while keeping the finger sealed tightly over the opening, then set back onto a flat surface before any leaking occurs from pressure build-up inside the container (never force anything when applying).

Now, a small bit of the perfume is on the fingertip, you just have to now dab this on the pulse points
( more on these points later).

Always dab the scent before allowing it to dry naturally on the skin or cloth- that way they last longer and all the layer of notes can be detected properly.

While it might be tempting to rub the spots where you applied perfume, don’t do it!

Rubbing your fragrances makes their top notes break down faster and could alter its smell.

3. Apply Perfume on Pulse Points

Where Are You Supposed To Spray Perfume_

This is the best way to apply cologne without spraying.

The reason being that when you spray it, the scent goes all over your body but with putting it on pulse points, the fragrance will be more concentrated and last longer.

It is because pulse points are naturally warm and moist.

These areas allow perfumes to be genuinely enjoyed. Otherwise, the top notes vanish quicker.

Pulse points are warm spots of your body that emit extra body heat. It will help to diffuse your fragrance naturally.

So, you just need to dab or spritz your perfume a bit to have the best results. Here are the areas on your body where you can spray perfume:

Your neck
The sides of your neck area are a common but effective place to apply perfume.

Your elbows
The insides of your elbows emanate the heat and make your fragrance smell stronger.

Your ears
The area behind your ear focuses your face, so spraying perfume there will give direction to the scent.

Your knees
The back of your knees is not a piece of common knowledge, but when you are wearing shorts, this can genuinely help.

Your ankles
During the summer and spring seasons, you can try spraying perfume on your ankle. And it’s a great way to get rid of smelly feet.

Your wrists
It is also a well-known area to apply perfume, and it does let the scent go to a distance.

Your throat
The center of your throat works well in making your perfume smell stronger.

Your chest
If you are wearing a low-cut fragrance, this is an excellent option as it will give you a pretty, all-over scent.

You know that whole thing about applying perfume to your pulse points? Well, this is even more important if you want get the most out of each application without spraying.

The trick with cologne all boils down to which parts on our body are closest in proximity to other people and circulation rate.

If we dab some fragrance on these hot spots – like behind ears and neck, for example- then as the day goes on, these points emit heat and help spread the perfume molecules.

So, you can smell fresh all day without spraying a ton of perfumes by using this trick.

4. Store Perfume Properly

The ingredients in a perfume play a vital role in maintaining its lifespan. And among those ingredients, alcohol plays a critical role.

Well, the fragrances that last longer have a lot of chemical stability. So, perfumes with high content of alcohol tend to have more longevity.

Alcohols prevent perfumes from evaporating quicker. Hence as low the concentration is, the more lasting the fragrance is.

Even though alcohol helps preserve the perfume, some prefer non-alcoholic ones, and its longevity is still a concern.

However, regardless of what is in a perfume, you still need to take a step or two to make sure your fragrances don’t have a short life.

Here are some tips for storing perfume properly:

How Should You Store Your Testers?

keep in the shadows.
Keep your perfumes far away from the lights. Sunlight is one of the biggest enemies of fragrances because light can have a chemical reaction with the scent and break its molecules. It disrupts the composition making perfumes more vulnerable to oxidation.

Keep it in a closed environment
Storing your perfumes in a closed cupboard is always a great option to ensure their integrity. Also, since closets are dry and dark, that helps the fragrance to stay good.

Keep away from heat
High temperature is not suitable for perfumes because it spoils them. Instead, experts say that fragrance should be kept in a chill environment below 15 degrees Celsius or 59 degrees Fahrenheit. So, freezers are an excellent option to keep perfumes lasting.

Don’t leave your perfumes half empty
When perfume bottles are half empty, they become more prone to oxidizing and so go bad quicker. Hence, you should only move on to another fragrance after finishing one.

And if the sprayer is broken, you can still use the rest of the perfume by using previous methods that I discussed. So it won’t go to waste.

5. Put Perfume in Your Hair

This is an interesting way of applying cologne without spraying. You can put perfume in your hair by either dabbing some or use the perfume like hair oil.

This is perfect if you want the scent to last all day long. The only downside is that it might make your hair oily.

There are specific perfumes available for hair too. You can use them if you don’t want to put your regular cologne on your hair.

You can also follow our guide to know Is Perfume Bad For You?

How to Apply Perfume Oil

You can use perfume oil like a pro by applying it directly to your clothes!

Place one or more drops of the fragrance in between two fingers and rub together. Then apply this technique on all areas that need coverage, such as pulse points.

Also, Perfume oils that come in the form of a roll-on stick are super easy to use. You just need to make sure you’re rolling it correctly and then apply your favorite scent on your clothes!

Where to Apply Perfume

When it comes to spraying your perfume, your whole body is your canvas. But you do need direction to give justice to your beautiful fragrance.

Moreover, spraying perfume in the right spots can enhance the performance of your fragrance.

These areas are best when you apply perfume:

On your skin

Your skin is an excellent agent to support your fragrance. And the top notes shine well as well.

On your clothes

You can apply perfumes to clothes, and they will travel with you wherever you go. Especially in winter when you have to wear layers of clothes, this method can come handy.

On your hair

It is one of the fantastic ways to make your hair smell great. Moreover, with every gust of wind, you will get a sniff of your favorite scent. Plus, there are specific hair fragrances as well.

Should you rub in cologne?

Rubbing cologne into your skin may sound like a good idea, but it’s not.

Firstly, it will damage the scent molecules and in result, cause the opening notes to disappear faster than usual.

Also, it could alter the natural scent of the perfume so it won’t have that effect on people.

At worst you could end up with irritated or dry skin!


How do you apply perfume without a nozzle?
You can apply perfume without a nozzle by dabbing a small amount of the juice on your skin or clothes. Dab (don’t rub) your wrists together a couple of times. This allows the scent to spread and prevent instantly evaporating. Now, Rub your wrists on the area under the hinge of your jaw and behind your ears.

Is it better to spray cologne on clothes or skin?
You can spray or dab perfume on both skin and clothes, but applying it on your skin is better because then the scent molecules can interact with your body oils and project much strongly.

Where do you dab cologne?
It’s a good idea to select the parts of your body that are naturally warm and moist to dab a cologne, like around your neck or behind each ears.. These pulse points allow for maximum perfume enjoyment and projection.

Also, check out our separate post on Why Are Creed Perfumes So Expensive?


Having different methods of applying colognes other than spray will allow you to have more choices when it comes to choosing a fragrance.

As with any perfume, it’s all about balance and moderation in the amount applied; just follow these tips here and get compliments from people all day long, even without spraying an excessive amount of perfume!

If you know any other methods of applying cologne without spray, feel free to share it with the community in the comments. I’m sure everyone will be benefitted from your personal experience.

About The Author
Nazia is passionate about perfumes. Her love for perfumes started with her father whom she lost in 2017. She’d often reminisce his memories with the help of his fragrances’. Writing about fragrances makes her happy as she can share its wonders with the world. She also loves reading sci-fi novels and traveling.

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