FragranceX Review: Is It Legit or Fake? [My Experience in 2024]

Written By Nazia Haque

It’s no surprise that fragrance X is one of the most popular online stores for branded perfumes.

With prices as low and affordable, people can buy their favorite fragrances at a fraction of what they would normally pay – like Creed Aventus which costs almost $500 in stores!

But how do they do it? Are all these fragrances real or just copycat knockoffs on sale?

Today I will be answering all of your questions about FragranceX, A website that sells luxury designer fragrances and colognes at discount prices.

FragranceX Review: Is It Legit or Fake? [My Experience in 2021]

Review of FragranceX: Is it Legit or Fake?

Yes, FragranceX is real and they sell legit perfumes. FragranceX is basically one of the biggest discount perfume retailers where you can get branded colognes at highly reduced prices. They can sell fragrances at such low prices by using some methods that I’ll discuss later in this article.

Follow our guide to know How Often Should You Wear Perfume?

Are FragranceX perfumes Real or Scam?

A question I’ve seen pop up across social media is whether or not FragranceX is “Legit”?, As they sell perfumes at a much cheaper rate.

Before we find out how FragranceX can offer perfumes at this rate, let’s discuss if the products they sell are real or not.

After seeing the prices of colognes on FragranceX, you might wonder, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, right?

Well, in this case, it isn’t.

The short answer: Yes; All of their products come from trustworthy vendors and top-quality designer brands.

If you’re worried about the authenticity of FragranceX, then you’ve come to the right place.

Read on to find my first-hand experience of buying perfumes from FragranceX.

Also, I’ll be investigating just how safe FragranceX might be before recommending them to you guys.

Fragrance does not sell fake perfumes.

With a dedication to quality and service, it’s no wonder that FragranceX has built such a reputable business. They can give you access to top-of-the-line fragrances at affordable prices for both men and women!

Still, after seeing the price of perfumes on FragranceX you might think these are counterfeit products.

I thought that at first too.

That’s why I’ve personally bought products from FragranceX to see if they really do sell original high-quality fragrances at up to 80% off retail prices!

In this FragranceX review, I will explain how they can sell cheap perfumes along with expensive niche fragrances at a price that you won’t find anywhere else in the fragrance world.

Why is FragranceX So Cheap?

Why is FragranceX So Cheap?

FragranceX does not use one method but actually has multiple tricks to sell real designer fragrances at much cheaper prices than other stores in order to keep costs down while still meeting quality standards!

You might be asking, How can FragranceX sell perfumes on their website at a fraction of the original cost? This is an excellent question, as FragranceX does not use one method but actually has multiple strategies that allow it to sell higher-quality products at a much lower price.

If you had any doubts about the legitimacy of this store, I would suggest checking FragranceX reviews on YouTube.

Check out this video from a famous YouTube influencer “Jeremy Fragrance” where he visited FragranceX to see if the products they sell are original or not. He is a reputed frag-head in the community and a trusted fragrance reviewer worldwide.

In this video, you can see a glimpse of the FragranceX warehouse where they store all of their fragrances.

Jeremy also has a fragrance brand of his own called Fragrance.One, which you can check out here.

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Before I reveal the secret behind FragranceX, Let’s compare a high-end designer cologne’s price difference between FragranceX and other retail websites to see how much you can save if you buy that product from FragranceX.

Let’s take a look at Aventus, Creed’s legendary fragrance that is highly praised among women for it’s masculine scent.

If you want to get it from their retail website or Amazon, you have to spend almost 450$ for a 3.4 fl oz bottle.

As you can see, you can get the same sized bottle from FragranceX for just over 300$, which is more than $100 cheaper. That is a great deal for a niche cologne like creed Aventus and a solid investment.

Still, It’s a lot of money for a single fragrance bottle, and it is normal to have doubts about whether the product that you’re buying from FragranceX is legit or fake.

Well, I can guarantee you that FragranceX is not a scam, and there are a few reasons behind their price being low than other stores.

Let’s actually pull the curtain and see how FragranceX offers real perfumes at a cheap price:

Regional Discounts

When it comes to international trade, some fragrance companies will try and sell their product at different prices depending on where in the world you live. For example, the fragrance market is booming in the Middle East and Asia, with different brands often setting prices based on average local income.

They do this by setting a price that corresponds with what people earn locally for that particular region to make their products more affordable and then hoping consumers will buy these than the cheaper local alternatives!

This is how FragranceX collects cheaper perfumes that are not found elsewhere around Europe or North America. For example, If you look closely at Fragrance X’s labels, they are often written using foreign languages rather than English.

But does this regional pricing affect how the perfumes smell?

We’ll let you be the judge!

In my experience with FragranceX, I didn’t find anything wrong or different when it comes down to the smell or the quality of the juice from the original cologne.

Gray Market

The gray market is a way for companies and general people to buy and sell perfumes without going through the official channels. It just means that they’re not being sold by authorized retailers, which will keep them from being sold at the official price.

Look, cosmetic companies use the gray market to sell their products at a lower price tag, it’s still totally legitimate and an alternate way to get your favorite fragrances without paying full price at stores like Sephora or Macy’s.

The fragrance gray market can be a great way to find cheaper prices on perfume. It’s important for FragranceX because they can buy large orders of original fragrances quicker in this way, which means they can then sell those real perfumes at a lower price than other official retailers.

Clearing Old Fragrance Stock

The most important thing in the world of luxury perfume is to stay on top of trends. If a company doesn’t release new models every year, then its older stock will gradually decrease in value as people move on to newer brands and scents with modern design.

This is a problem many retailers have had before so once or twice every year, they will get rid of older stocks in order to make room for newer fragrances.

Using this opportunity, fragranceX offers you a price that is not available to most retailers.

FragranceX buys up old stock and combines it with regional discounts which help them to sell genuine perfumes at prices lower than what we would usually pay, Without sacrificing quality or authenticity!

This means you can always find an affordable deal in FragranceX, especially if it’s an older fragrance.

As I mentioned earlier, these advantages make purchasing from Fragrance X worth your while; as soon as I found out about the site’s special prices on designer fragrances, I ordered a few bottles.

After I received them, I was glad to see that all the colognes were original, although some of the packagings was not updated, the juice and smell are all that matter, right?


Less Maintenance Cost

Another reason FragranceX can offer perfumes at such a low price is because they only sell fragrances online through their website.

This means they don’t have to maintain the cost of expensive storefronts and window displays of the latest colognes – all FragranceX needs is a warehouse and website! They also have customer service representatives who work remotely from its headquarters location in New York City.

By reducing the cost of a physical store and sales representatives with a warehouse, FragranceX can offer authentic perfumes at a lower price than opening a hundred retail and department stores around the country.

Sure, you can’t go to the shop and test out various perfumes like usual in this case, but if you know what you’re looking for, then FragranceX can be a great option to save some money while shopping for a brand new cologne.

Earlier, I mentioned Jeremy who made a video about FragranceX in their warehouse and shared his opinion about FragranceX. You can check out that video to see how they store the designer perfumes and if these products are actually real.

Ordinary Packaging

Finally, the only difference that I noticed in the perfumes that I received from FragranceX was the packaging.

FragranceX Can offer perfumes for cheap because they save on packaging – or sometimes provide damaged boxes.

Whoa! That’s not a red flag though, Let me Explain.

When you buy a Perfume like Bleu de Chanel from the brand’s official retailer you’ll always have perfect packaging because you’re paying top dollar, but this isn’t always guaranteed for those who purchase at discount stores like FragranceX.

Sometimes a number of boxes can get minor damages while shipping from the company’s warehouse to the retail store. These products are not kept on display and are often sold on the gray market ( discussed earlier).

If you don’t care much about the packaging, then buying such perfumes from FragranceX can be a better purchase rather than getting a perfect packet that you’ll throw out after unboxing.

So if your heart belongs to shopping for a lot of perfume bottles where boxes would just get in the way then save money by purchasing them from FragranceX, As long as we’re not talking about special occasions!

FragranceX vs FragranceNet Compared

FragranceX vs FragranceNet Compared

Who’s better? FragranceX or FragranceNet!

I’m going to compare and contrast both sites, but first, let’s talk about how similar they actually are.

Both of these online retailers sell discounted fragrances that you can find all over social media; their names sound nearly identical, and the overall style is very much alike as well – which could make choosing between them difficult for you.

But don’t worry because I have found some differences too.

  • FragranceX offers free worldwide shipping, which FragranceNet doesn’t.
  • FragranceNet is usually cheaper than FragranceX.
  • FragranceX has a very deep variety of perfumes that you can’t find on FragranceNet.
  • FragranceX offers safe deals without any hidden/false charges.
  • FragranceX has a better Return Policy.
  • FragranceX offers a rewards program for it’s buyers which can’t be found on FragranceNet.

So, it is clear that FragranceX offers better and safer buying options if we compare it to FragranceNet, although both websites have very similar features, not to mention affordable pricing. The latter has more negative reviews too.

For these reasons, I would personally recommend FragranceX over FragranceNet. You can also check Trustpilot reviews of these sites and judge for yourself.

FragranceX Coupon

One of the best things about buying perfumes from FragranceX is their coupons.

When you enter the FragranceX website, you’ll get a popup that’ll ask for your email address. Put it in their system and you’ll get an extra 15% off on top of the discounted price. It will be automatically applied to your cart when you checkout.

FragranceX also has various coupons listed on their website that you can use to get free delivery for no minimum amount in the USA and over 69$ for most countries. There are discount coupons available too if you don’t want to put your email to receive offers from FragranceX.

You can’t get a better deal than this to grab some cheap perfumes!

Also, check our exclusive insight on  What Ingredient Makes Perfume Last Longer?

FragranceX Customer Service

Finally, if you’re a fan of free shipping, you’re gonna love shopping from FragranceX.

FragranceX offers free shipping on orders over $ 35.00, otherwise, shipping is $ 5.95. They also offer Next-Day delivery for $6.95 so if you’re in urgent need of a perfume bottle, you can easily get one from FragranceX.

For Canada, you’ll get your products within 3-10 business days with a 4.90$ Postal Service charge.

Moreover, FragranceX Offers worldwide shipping (over 220 countries). They have a shipping calculator on their website that you can use to calculate the shipping charges to your country.

As for the return policies of FragranceX, All orders can be returned up to 30 days after the ship date for a full refund minus shipping and gift wrap charges.

It’s simple, If you would like to return a product from your order, you just have to send the product back to the address of FragranceX in its original packaging. You can expect a refund within one billing cycle of them receiving your returned product.

All in all, FragranceX’s return policy is suitable for everyone. They even understand that customers must open items before determining if they like the product. As long as the item is not used in excess, you will get a full refund for it.

FragranceX offers good customer service too. They are reputed in the fragrance community for offering original designer fragrances at a lower price and they provide a quality service while doing it.


Is FragranceX Legit?

Yes, FragranceX is a legit online store to buy original perfumes at a discounted price. Everything they sell comes directly from the same brands we all know and love with no exceptions. Also, FragranceX’s website clearly declares that ‘you won’t find any knock-offs or imitations here.’

Where is FragranceX Located? Inc. is located at 5 Plant Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788

How is fragranceX so cheap?

FragranceX can sell perfumes at a cheap price because they use various methods like Geographical discounts, old stock, and mediocre packaging to reduce the cost of operation.

How long does FragranceX take to ship?

When you order a product from fragranceX in the USA, it typically arrives in 2 – 5 business days via UPS, FedEx, or Postal Service. For Other countries, it takes 4-12 business days to ship a product. FragranceX also has options to get next-day Express Shipping at an additional cost.

How do I track my FragranceX order?

You can log in to fragranceX with your account and click on the “Track your Order” Tab in the Shipping and Ordering section to see the status of your recent and previous orders and track a current FragranceX order. Alternatively, you can use and enter your tracking number to get the latest updates. Also, you can contact the customer service of fragranceX to track your order.

Does FragranceX ship worldwide?

Yes, FragranbceX ships its products to over 220 countries. You can use the fragranceX shipping calculator to see if they ship to your country. Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches your country.

Which is better FragranceX or FragranceNet?

After evaluating all of the features, I have concluded that FragranceX offers a better deal when you’re looking for a perfume than fragranceNet. However, both stores offer lucrative prices for various fragrances. The prices on fragranceX can be slightly higher on selected perfumes, but their shipping policy is the best in comparison to FragranceNet.

How do I contact FragranceX?

You can easily call FragranceX at 1-888-557-3738. If you’re calling from outside the US, you need to use this number- 001-718-482-6970. This is the quickest method even if you can contact FragranceX via email or social media.

You can also follow our guide to know Is Perfume Bad For You?


FragranceX is a legitimate and trusted source to purchase fragrances at a discounted price.

I and the 10fragrances team recommend them because they offer the best deals for genuine designer and niche brands at an affordable price with free and fast shipping options and great customer service!

It is a safer option too rather than buying from unauthorized retailers with no return policy.

If you’re looking for a new ( or old) fragrance to try, FragranceX will give you real designer perfumes and even help to purchase your desired perfume. Even if it comes with a high price, you can get it on FragranceX at a fraction of the cost!

If you’ve bought perfumes from FragranceX before, please feel free to share your experience with us in the comment section. And if you have any trick up your sleeve to get better deals on FragranceX or anywhere else, please spill the beans.

About The Author
Nazia is passionate about perfumes. Her love for perfumes started with her father whom she lost in 2017. She’d often reminisce his memories with the help of his fragrances’. Writing about fragrances makes her happy as she can share its wonders with the world. She also loves reading sci-fi novels and traveling.

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