What Are Perfume Oils? (Ultimate Guide and Comparison 2024)

Written By Nazia Haque

Perfume oils are not as famous as fragrances; however, they are beautiful in their way.

At first, I was skeptical about the idea of perfume oils, but once I used them, I realized how absolutely gorgeous they are.

Keep reading because I have got a lot to tell you about perfume oils that will be super helpful for you.

What Are Perfume Oils? (Quick Read!)

What Are Perfume Oils?

Perfume oils are natural or synthetic aromatic components in an oily rather than an alcohol base. Also, you can apply it directly to your skin. Moreover, there are many benefits of perfume oils, plus they are pretty cheap. And they have great longevity.

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What Are Perfume Oils Used For?

Perfume oils are scented skin-friendly oils, so they’re added to cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, shampoos, and such. It is also used in candles, air fresheners, room sprays, household cleaners, and vaporizers to give them a pleasant aroma. Also, you can use them as perfume.

Perfume oils don’t have the therapeutic aspects as an essential oil.

However, they come in various amazing ranges of scents, plus they are without alcohol.

Although, perfume oils can come from a combination of few essential oils.

The scented oils can also be blended to create your unique scent.

Moreover, perfume oils are very safe to use and can be used in many things and ways.

Does Perfume Oils Contain Alcohol?

No, perfume oils do not contain alcohol because they are oil-based. It is more concentrated with fewer fillers so that it will stick to your skin longer. Alcohol-based perfumes evaporate quicker, but as perfume oils have no alcohol, so it lasts longer. Plus, it’s all-natural oil.

Perfume oils are extracted from natural aromatic components or sometimes chemical components.

It replicates essential oil scents as numerous scents mix to produce a unique scent.

Though it does not have any health benefits, it is a much safer option compared to alcohol-based perfumes.

Since it has no alcohol, so it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Also, due to the absence of alcohol, it is non-flammable.

Overall, perfume oils smell great, plus they moisturize and nourish your skin.

How are perfume oils made?

Perfume oils are aromatic or flavor oils that are blended with synthetic aroma compounds or natural essential oils.

It is diluted with a carrier like propylene glycol, vegetable oil, or mineral oil in blending essential oils.

However, essential oils themselves emit numerous volatile organic compounds that are considered hazardous.

But since perfume oils are synthetic versions of the original ones, they do not emit any harmful compounds.

Moreover, there is no alcohol or harmful chemicals present in fragrance oils.

Each oil is created by determining the ideal amount of components to match with a particular theme.

Though some of such oils are not entirely natural or volatile, they can still have qualities like being stronger and long-lasting.

Perfume oils have fewer ingredients but emit a rich aroma once you apply them.

Moreover, there are plenty of uses for such beautiful scented oils that will be a game-changer for you.

How To Wear Perfume Oils?

Perfume oils are more concentrated and last longer on your skin than a spray perfume.

It is an excellent choice if you want to wear your fragrance in specific areas of your body.

So, it is always best to apply perfume oil to your pulse points because they emit extra heat that holds the scent longer and let you enjoy it more. The pulse points are:

1# Your inner wrists

Rub your perfume oil inside your wrist but don’t rub the wrists together because that will ruin the fragrance. It is an easy and quick and quick method.

2# Your inner elbow.

Put a little perfume oil in the crease of your elbow and rub it gently. It works best for sleeveless outfits.

3# Back of your knee

Rub perfume oil right behind your kneecap. Especially if you are tall or wear shorts, this application will come in very handy.

4# Behind your ear

Rub a bit of perfume oil in your ear lobes. It is an intimate area, so when someone’s hugging or is close to you, they can get a good sniff of your scent.

5# Your throat

Put a bit of perfume oil on your throat. It is also an intimate area.

It is also important that you correctly apply any scented product to enjoy it thoroughly. For example, here’s how you should use perfume oil:

1# Apply after shower
Having fresh, clean, and moist skin will help it stick and last longer.

2# Apply after rubbing an unscented moisturizer
It will hold the scent longer since it’s unscented, so you will not get any weird mix of smells.

3# Apply it directly to your skin
Since perfume oils are oil-based, they will work best on your skin, so don’t apply them to your clothes or hair.

4# Apply in minimal
It is very concentrated, so don’t use too much as that can give you an overbearing smell.

There are various perfume oils, from citrusy to floral, so all you have to do is pick a scent that clicks for you.

Do Perfume Oils Last Longer?

Yes, perfume oils do last longer since alcohols evaporates from the bottle faster. So if you have a large collection of such scents, you can hold onto them longer. Plus, it is less drying to the skin and less irritating, making it a suitable choice if you have sensitive skin.

The actual fragrance elements and extracts in a perfume oil are way more concentrated than alcohol-based scents.

Alcohol-based perfumes contain only a small amount of real fragrance diluter with mostly alcohol and other fillers.

However, oils tend to stick and linger more to the skin, whereas traditional perfumes last longer on clothes.

So, it lasts longer, plus it will not irritate your skin, and it is very inexpensive.

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Do Perfume Oils Expire?

No, perfume oils don’t typically expire; however, they have an average shelf life of 6-12 months. But they can last longer if stored under proper conditions. Moreover, you can tell if it went bad as it will not have a good smell plus lose its original color.

The average shelf life of any perfume oil is said to be about 1 year or less. However, it depends on time, temperature, and exposure to sunlight.

Plus, the raw materials used in perfume oil are an essential factor. If there are more natural ingredients in the formula, it can spoil quickly.

It is best to store fragrance oil in a cool dark place away from light and hear.

However, if you no longer wish to wear your perfume oils, you can always put them to other uses.

Can You Use Perfume Oils In Candles?

Yes, we can use perfume oils in candles to get our desired scented candles. It is one of the most trendy and common uses of perfume oils. Plus, you can easily make your scented candles at home. Also, you can add lots of combinations to create your personal scent.

Perfume oils are absolutely suited for creating your own scented candles.

You can get a variety of scents in fragrance oils like vanilla, lavender, musk, etc.

Plus, it is super easy to make a scented candle at home, so you can definitely do it yourself.

All you need to do is sprinkle your favorite perfume oil into the wax near the wick of a candle before it is lit.

The oil will heat up as the candle burns, and the fragrance will spread throughout the room.

How To Use Perfume Oils?

Perfume oils have a fabulous range of scents and have many options to use them.

It has no harmful chemicals or alcohols, which makes them friendly to our skin. Here are some of the creative ways:

Massage oil

Start with a carrier oil that absorbs into the skin well, like jojoba or vitamin E. Next, add a few drops of your favorite perfume oil or a combination of them. Then use the mixture to massage your skin.

It will be really good for your skin, leaving you smelling great and penetrate those aching muscles.


You can add perfume oil to your homemade soaps and smell gorgeous all day. Plus, it will give you a consistent smell in your products.

Shampoo and conditioner

You can try making your own hair products or buy base products and add perfume oil to them. It will give you an extra-luxurious hair washing experience.

Room spray

First of all, you will need some distilled water and a spray bottle. Next, add perfume oil as much as you want and shake it until it blends properly.

Bath bombs

You will need a few drops of perfume oils to make amazing homemade bath bombs.

Body scrubs

Use granulated sugar with honey or olive oil and a few drops of your favorite perfume oil. Mix them well and use them as a body scrub.


Though perfume oils don’t have the therapeutic abilities of essential oils, you can use them in your diffuser to have a lovely smelling home.

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Perfume oils have come a long way, offering complex fragrance combinations giving competition to traditional fragrances.

Unlike most spray fragrances, perfume oils are alcohol-free, so they are highly concentrated and last longer.

The fragrance notes deepen throughout the day instead of quickly fading like typical perfumes.

However, perfume oils are more subtle and focused as they come in rollerblades, so you need to apply them on places like pulse points.

Moreover, you can use perfume oils in other ways, like candles.

Perfume oils will be the best choice for you if you have sensitive skin, plus it is super cheap.

Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing your thoughts or queries, if any, in the comment section below.

About The Author
Nazia is passionate about perfumes. Her love for perfumes started with her father whom she lost in 2017. She’d often reminisce his memories with the help of his fragrances’. Writing about fragrances makes her happy as she can share its wonders with the world. She also loves reading sci-fi novels and traveling.

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